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Equality between men and women in the labour market

Foreign companies that post workers to Denmark are covered by the Danish regulations on gender equality and equal pay between men and women. The regulations are based on the equal value of men and women and men and women are therefore entitled to the same rights and opportunities.

Employers in Denmark are prohibited from discriminating against their employees based on gender, both with regards to pay or and other working conditions.

Equal treatment

The Danish Act on Equal Treatment between Men and Women with regards to Employment ensures that men and women are treated equally at work. This means, for instance, that an employer may not prefer one gender to another when a position becomes available. The Act covers:

  • Working conditions
  • Employment and termination
  • Promotion and training
  • Membership of labour organisation and more

Equal pay for equal work

The Consolidation Act on Equal Pay to Men and Women ensures that men and women receive equal pay for equal work. This means that men and women must receive the same pay if they perform the same work or if their work has the same value.

Positive action

In some circumstances, an employer may give either men or women preferential treatment if this is necessary to promote gender equality. If an employer wishes to implement positive actions in favour of one gender they must seek permission from the Ministry responsible for the sector in question. An employer can, for instance, give one gender preferential rights regarding employment or promotion. An employer can also seek to introduce gender quotas.

You can complain about gender discrimination

If you believe you have been discriminated against because of gender you can file a complaint with the Board of Equal Treatment. Filing a complaint is free and can be done on the National Board of Appeals website.

Click here if you wish to complain about gender discrimination

(in Danish)

Any questions?

Contact the Board of Equal Treatment
Note that the Secretariat do not elaborate or comment on specific decisions

+45 33 42 12 00